Friday, February 24, 2012

Always talk to your doctor about any supplements

Some evidence suggests that poor nutrition, particularly deficiencies in antioxidants and certain minerals, including vitamins A, C and E, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc is associated with, COPD, and possibly with worse lung function. These nutrients can be obtained adequate daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains. Quit smoking, smoking triggers an asthma attack

breathing from the abdomen is not easy, breathing from the abdomen makes you relaxed and comfortable. Anxiety and stress contributes to asthma

Lose weight if you overweight and already have asthma, although the relationship between obesity and asthma is not completely understood, being overweight can put pressure on the lungs and cause an inflammatory response, thus asthma attack. Monitor your asthma every day, using a peak flow monitor (a portable device for measuring high expiratory flow, which is an indicator of lung). Work with your doctor to adjust medications if indicated can reduce hospitalizations and improve quality of life. Keep a diary read to show the doctor, together you will create your personal best reading. When your daily reading is between 50% to 80% off your personal best, it is considered a moderate asthma attack while values ​​below 50% are serious. You should call the doctor if the peak flow reading falls below 80%, and go to the hospital if it falls below 50%. Decorate plant pots. Plants remove allergens from the air and gives out oxygen. Nutrition and dietary supplements for asthma Because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications, they should be taken only under the supervision knows health care providers. Always talk to your doctor about any supplements you are taking or considering taking. Although not studied in people who suffer from COPD, in particular, bromelain (a mixture of protein enzymes found in pineapples [Ananas comosus]) can help reduce the cough and reducing mucus in the airways. In theory, therefore, he can do the same if you have chronic bronchitis. Magnesium deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of developing emphysema and other lung diseases. Sometimes intravenous magnesium (eg magnesium is delivered through a vein) is part of the treatment of COPD flare in the hospital. The doctor will determine if this is necessary or appropriate. It is not known whether foods rich in magnesium or magnesium supplements reduces the likelihood of developing emphysema. These foods, however, including legumes, whole grains and green leafy vegetables should be part of a healthy diet in any case. Some doctors recommend to check your level of magnesium (a simple blood test) if you have COPD and with the addition of magnesium, if your level is low. Review of scientific studies have shown that NAC can help dissolve mucus and improve symptoms associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smokers also may benefit from supplements NAC. Studies on large groups of people found that NAC appears to cancer prevention properties in people who are at risk of lung cancer (eg, chronic smokers who are also at risk for COPD). Some experts believe that diet and additional forms of omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), found in walnuts and flaxseed, may be useful as part of your treatment of COPD. Research is needed. According to some doctors take supplements of vitamin C is safe and reasonable, if you have COPD, especially if you continue to smoke. Studies to date are limited, however, and further research to know if this is really useful if you have COPD. Meanwhile, we should get enough vitamin C, eating plenty of fresh fruit. Indeed, simply increasing the amount of fruit you lasix furosemide side effects eat one or two servings a week can help improve lung function.19 anabol testo Other supplements that have gained popularity COPD, but require further study before comment can be made by their value:

Exercise Exercise helps some people with COPD. By strengthening your arms and legs and improve endurance, you can reduce shortness of breath a few. Walking, for example, a good exercise to build endurance. Talk to your doctor and / or pulmonology how to create a slow and safe. Visit the comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation is the best way to get exercise and safe methods of breathing (see below). There will be breathing breathing exercises (eg, lips pressed technique, breathing from the diaphragm, or by spirometry [breathing device] twice a day) that can help improve lung function. Talk to your doctor about the work of pulmonology to learn these exercises. It is important in the study of breathing techniques, work with professional appropriate training, as well as the methods are not good for anyone with COPD. Visit pulmonary rehabilitation is the best way to learn exercises and breathing techniques. In a study published at the beginning of JAMA, consistent with the report on the 41 th Congress of Critical Care, found that although some data suggest that lower calorie food through feeding tubes may be useful for Hospice in. .. .

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